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How do I submit my Constrained Schedule of Values (SOV)?

Once you've been notified that your General Contractor has added the Constrained Schedule of Values to your project, follow the steps below to enter the breakdown.

  1. Navigate to the project within GCPay
  2. Click Edit in the Schedule of Values section
  3. Under Line Items, locate buttons to Add, Remove or Upload items. If you want your listing of items numbered check the box next to Auto Number
  4. To Manually Add Line Items
    1. Click +Add and select the number of blank lines to be added. You can continue adding additional lines as needed by clicking +Add
    2. If you need to Add a line in a specific location Right Click on any line to insert a new line
    3. For Each line added, populate a Description and Total Value for the line.  The sum of values entered should equal the Original Contract Value - do not include change orders.
    4. When complete click Save
    5. Satisfy any red link requirements
    6. Click Save to have the SOV be sent through the approval process
    7. An Optional box is displayed which allows you to enter comments that are included with the email notification sent and are included in the Audit Trail.
    8. Click Submit and the site will confirm your Submission, click Yes and then click Okay
  5. To Upload an Excel File
    1. Under Line Items locate the Upload button, click Upload
    2. Select the purple button Download Template
      1. This will download an Excel template onto your computer. It will come pre-filled with examples of what your schedule of values should look like. Enter in your specific descriptions and values. Remove any additional lines or continue adding lines - ensure all lines remain in columns A, B, & C. Do not include the total or any change orders.
    3. Once all information is entered onto your Excel document, save onto your computer.
    4. In GCPay, Click Choose File,Upload
    5. Locate the Excel file on your computer, click Open. This will upload the Excel File into GCPay
    6. When complete click Save
    7. Satisfy any red link requirements
    8. Click Submit to have the SOV be sent through the approval process
    9. An Optional box is displayed which allows you to enter comments that are included with the email notification sent and are included in the Audit Trail.
    10. Click Submit and the site will confirm your Submission, click Yes and then click Okay

If you do not see the option to Edit your Schedule of Values, ensure your user has been added to the project with Editor project permissions. 

Sara is the author of this solution article.

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