To create a schedule of values, first log into GCPay. Click projects and select the project you would like to create a schedule of values for.
- Log into GCpay and click projects.
- Click on the project you would like to create an SOV for.
- Scroll down to the application for payment box and click the green create button.
- Enter in all applicable information in the General Information and Specifications area.
- Scroll down to the line items section. Use the green +ADD button to add as many line items as you will need.
- Click under the description section of line one and enter the first items line item description.
- Click under the value column on the first line item and enter the value for that line item.
- Repeat steps 6 and 7 for all line items.
- Click NEXT at the bottom of the page.
- Review SOV and click submit.