Only users with Admin or Lien Officer company permissions can add a subcontractor sworn statement template to a project. Ensure the template has been added to the company settings by clicking on Settings and then Waivers/Templates.
- Navigate to the project and click on Project Settings.
- Click + Upload Standard Template, select the sworn statement template and click Okay.
- Click on the sworn statement template to Configure the template's settings. Select the appropriate time to send the template. Before Submit is generally preferred, so that the sworn statement is presented to the subcontractor when they submit an Application for Payment.
- Select What Type of Lien Waiver Is This? Generally speaking, subcontractor sworn statements are marked as Progress Lien Waivers and Final Lien Waivers if the goal is to have subcontractors complete them with each pay application.
Here's an example of a sworn statement using custom tags: